Health and Social Care Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 1 - Senedd



Meeting date:
27 September 2012


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Policy: Llinos Dafydd  Legislation: Fay Buckle
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8403/8041






1.   Introductions, apologies and substitutions 



2.   Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Bill: Stage 1 - Evidence Session 5 (09.00 - 09.30) 

Minister for Health and Social Services


Lesley Griffiths AM, Minister for Health and Social Services

Christopher Brereton - Head of Environmental Public Health Legislation, Welsh Government

Christopher Humphreys - Legal Services Department, Welsh Government




3.   Papers to note (09.30 - 09.35) (Pages 1 - 2)




Minutes from Committee meetings held on 12 and 18 July 2012  (Pages 3 - 8)





Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Bill: letter from the Minister for Health and Social Services to the Chair (17 July 2012)  (Pages 9 - 11)





Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Bill: Letter from the Federation of Small Businesses (30 July 2012)  (Pages 12 - 14)





Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Bill: Note on Norwich City Council and Lichfield District Council food hygiene rating web pages (31 July 2012)  (Pages 15 - 17)





Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Bill : letter from the Chair to the Minister for Health and Social Services (19 July 2012)  (Pages 18 - 21)





Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Bill: letter from the Minister for Health and Social Services to the Chair (8 August 2012)  (Pages 22 - 31)




4.   Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business: (09.35) 

Items 5 & 6



Private session



5.   Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Bill: Stage 1 - Consideration of the draft report (09.40 - 11.00)



6.   Preparation for Draft Budget 2013-14 (13.15 - 15.00)
